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◆First Look At ‘Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience’
Fri, 19 December 2008 at 12:28 pm
資料來源:〔Just Jared JR.〕
The Jonas Brothers are ready to hit the big screen early next year and MTV is bringing you a first look at it all with their new 3D Concert Experience.
The musical trio — Nick, Joe, and Kevin — will premiere a never-before-heard song, “Love Is On Its Way” during the movie, set to release February 2009.
Producer Art Repola gave a little preview, saying, “I just think [the fans are] going to be surprised at the cumulative experience of what happens from the time they wake up to the end of the day,” he said. “It’s not a band where they have a show that night and they’re lying around the hotel. It’s constant appearances and interviews and events. I think it’ll be surprising.”
For two exclusive pics from the flick, check out MTV.com.
◆JB 3D電影新消息
Jonas Brothers即將在明年火熱引爆全球電影院,而MTV帶來最新的獨家透視,關於他們的最新電影「The Jonas Brothers: 3D Concert Experience」。
三兄弟團體─Nick、Joe和Kevin,也即將在這部電影當中,演出他們從未表演過的歌曲『Love Is On Its Way』,預定在明年2月上市。
製作廠商Art Repola除了提供了預告外,還說:「我認為,粉絲們可能會對於他們從起床到結束一天的所有行程感到驚訝。這不僅是一個團體的當晚的現場Live演出,還有他們在hotel的生活。還有不斷的出席表演show以及接受採訪,我認為這真的是很驚人。」 Jonas Brothers的3D電影原聲帶將在2月24日發行,再電影發行的前三天。
The “soundtrack” for Jonas Brothers‘ upcoming 3D concert movie will be released on February 24th, three days before the movie is released in theaters.