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◆Joe Jonas Having Crushes on Several Celebs
December 19, 2008 04:44:04 GMT
Young, famous, and having many fans, Joe Jonas honestly reveals that he, too, has crushes on fellow celebrities. "I love Leona Lewis," he mentions one of his celeb crushes. "I've been watching her video, she's gorgeous."
Beside Leona, "I also like Natalie Portman, Emma Watson and Cheryl Cole," Joe adds. "I like a lot of people," he admits further.
In addition to them all, Joe Jonas also makes no secret his admiration for rock musician Mick Jagger, crediting him as his inspiration. On top of that, he even considers Mick as his musical hero that he tries to act like him on stage. "I would love to meet Mick Jagger. A lot of what I do on stage is inspired by Jagger. I love the way he performs and how he dances," Joe admits.
年輕、聲名遠播以及擁有許多粉絲的Joe Jonas最近告訴大家她喜歡哪些歌手們,以下:
他提出其中一個他最喜歡的歌手:「我很喜歡Leona Lewis,我也看了許多他的影片,他的表演真的十分出色。」
除了Leona外,「我還喜歡Natalie Portman、Emma Watsonn 還有Cheryl Cole。」他補充說道:「我還喜歡很多歌手。」
除了以上所提到的歌手們,Joe Jonas也不保留的告訴大家他對搖滾歌手Mick Jagger的仰慕,也因為他得到許多靈感。另外,他也把Mick當作是他的音樂英雄,這使他總是試著學習他的舞台魅力。「我想,我最想見到的人就是Mick Jagger,我在台上做的許多表演,許多靈感就是來自他!我喜歡他在台上的表演和舞蹈。」Joe向大家說明。