※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
◆Madonna And The Jonas Brothers Were Big Concert Draws Of 2008
By: Lauren Moraski
資料來源:〔KBS Radio〕
Madonna and the Jonas Brothers were the biggest concert sellers in 2008 on StubHub -- the website that resells tickets after they go on sale elsewhere. According to StubHub's annual report for 2008, Madge's Sticky & Sweet outing was the highest grossing tour, and the Jonas Brothers sold the most tickets. The average ticket price also jumped $3 dollars -- from $156 to $159. According to RollingStone.com, StubHub's Chuck La Vallee says, "Despite the economic woes of the last few months and a lukewarm concert schedule for the year, ticket selling prices actually increased a bit from 2007."
根據2008年StubHub的報告,一個轉售門票的網站,瑪丹娜和強納斯兄弟名列今年演唱會門票銷售最好的藝人;Madge's Sticky & Sweet outing是今年巡迴演唱撈金最多的藝人,而強納斯兄弟則是賣出最多的演唱會門票,平均一張三元起跳,從156元到159元。根據RolingStone.com,StubHub's Chuck La Vallee說:「儘管這幾個月經濟正值不景氣和今年的較少演唱會行程,票價的成長還是比去年多出了一點。」