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◆Jonas Brothers on 'Live with Regis and Kelly' and 'Good Morning America'
原文/Original Article:
Jonas Brothers were in an extensive sit down on "Live with Regis and Kelly" Monday, February 16. All three of the brothers, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas, talked about fame, their imminent movie "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience" and answered 'burning questions' from their fans.
Among the things that the boys had to answer are whether they ever Google themselves or use the bathroom while live on stage. Host Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa also showed a short clip that spoofs them and fellow Disney star Miley Cyrus.
Earlier on the day, the band also visited "Good Morning America" for an interview segment plus the airing of their time-out with host Cameron Mathison. It also accumulated the achievements and experiences that the band have gained throughout this year, including the surprise gig for the Obama girls, the Grammys appearance and the unveiling of their wax statues in Madame Tussauds.
Today (February 17), "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" will air the episode with Jonas Brothers on, which preview can be seen here. In the next few days the boys will also stop by in several other TV shows such as "Jimmy Kimmel Live!", "MTV Special" and CBS' "Early Show".
Jonas Brothers在繁忙的行程當中出席2月16日星期一的Regis and Kelly秀。三位強納斯兄弟Kevin、Joe和Nick談論到了成名的感受、宣傳他們的3D電影以及回答粉絲們問的一些火熱話題。
像是其中幾題就問道:你們曾否到google搜尋過你們的名字?你們會在live演唱會前上廁所嗎?主持人Regis和Kelly同時也拍了一支小短片扮演JB和Miley Cyrus來娛樂大家。
為了宣傳他們即將上映的3D電影,這陣子,他們與各節目的訪問行程都滿檔,向前幾天他們上Good Morning America秀接受主持人Cameron Mathison的訪問,回答了像是在去年的所累積的經驗、成名感受、成為歐巴馬女兒們的驚喜、葛萊美講的live show和在Madame Tussauds的蠟像。
今天,The Ellen DeGeneres Show將會撥出主持人Ellen與JB訪問及遊戲錄製的片子,幾天後,他們還會上Jimmy Kimmel Live!、MTV Special和CBS的Early Show,來宣傳新電影和接受採訪。
◆Live with Regis and Kelly
◆Good Morning America
◆Playing Musical Chairs On Ellen Show (Preview,Very FUNNY!!)