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◆Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato: Making Waves on The Beach
Tue, 16 February 2010 at 1:30 am
資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕
原文/Original Article:
Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato sit close to each other to keep each other warm as they shoot the music video for “Make A Wave” on the beach in Los Angeles on Monday evening (February 15).
The BFF tweeted back and forth this afternoon with Joe sharing a pic and saying, “Demi hates this picture. But I like it.”
Demi jokingly tweeted back, “oh, hey THANKS jerk!” She also tweeted some words of advice for all the girls looking for love out there: “He’s not you’re prince charming if he doesn’t make sure you know that you’re his princess.” So true!
“Make A Wave” will be featured in Disneynature’s OCEANS, out this Earth Day.
十二月十五日,星期一下午,當Joe與Demi在沙灘上一起拍攝音樂錄影帶﹤Make A Wave﹥後,兩人坐在一起取暖。
﹤Make A Wave﹥將會在迪士尼生態,OCEANS電影中,在這個地球日撥出。