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◆The Jonas Brothers pick their favorite artists
Find out whom Nick, Joe and Kevin can’t stop listening to
資料來源/Source:〔Time Out New York〕
原文/Original Article:
Why I love… Brad Paisley, by Kevin Jonas
“I’m a huge country music fan, always have been, and American Saturday Night is an incredible record. Most of his records have a feeling of old country, but then you get the taste of the new—and the new is definitely progressive. This record really takes leaps and bounds; there are blues songs on there, there are a couple of piano songs, there’s a four-piece string and jug band… So there’s an eclectic sound, but the storytelling and the songs are incredible.”
Why I love… The Zutons, by Nick Jonas
“We were over in Europe touring with Avril Lavigne last year, and their album had just been released. We were jet-lagged, falling asleep. We had the TV on, it was a music special, and the Zutons were playing live in a studio—and they were just incredible. The album really inspired the sound for our next record, because of the girl who plays sax. It was one of those things where it was kind of…off? But it was great. I think the kind of late-’60s rock sound they have going on really is awesome, the vocal sound is great. For top picks, there’s a song called ‘Bumbag,’ which is great. ‘What’s Your Problem?’ and ‘Little Red Door.’ You Can Do Anything is definitely one of my favorite records, ever.”
Why I love… Green Day, by Joe Jonas
“I definitely thought it was going to be really hard to top the last Green Day album, ’cause American Idiot was so massive, you know? But 21st Century Breakdown is really consistent. It’s not so political; I mean, there’s small things in there, but generally it’s way less so. Like, ‘Know Your Enemy’ could be the guy at the 7-Eleven who you just can’t stand. As songwriters, we don’t like to get into too much politics. But some bands do it well, and Green Day is one of those bands.” Kevin: “And remember that kids are going to be listening to it.” Nick: “That’s the thing: Our little brother’s eight years old and he loves Green Day. He just thinks they’re awesome. They’re this generation’s rock band.”
Kevin喜歡Brad Paisley的原因:
我是鄉村樂的超級愛好者,我一直都是,再說這次的專輯《American Saturday Night》真的非常棒。他大部分的專輯都帶有傳統的鄉村味,但是當你聆聽這張專輯的時候,你會發現這張又是全然創新的!這張專輯是前所未有的,收錄了一些藍調、鋼琴曲加上四弦小提琴和樂團伴奏,當然還參雜了一些電子樂,但最重要的是歌詞的故事內容以及曲子本身真的是非常完美的。
在去年,我們與Zutons一起跟隨Avril Lavigne(艾薇兒)一起巡迴演唱,當時他們的新專輯才剛發行。我們當時因為時差調適的關係,於是就開著電視睡覺,播放的是類似一個音樂祭的活動,Zutons正於現場演出,而他們的演出真的是難以致信的好!他們的這張專輯裡由一位女生吹薩克斯風,而大概啟發了我們新專輯所想要呈現的音樂,這是其中一項的…與眾不同?但他們的獨特性卻很棒!我覺得他們的音樂有點像是60年代後期的搖滾,而他們的歌聲也很棒,要我選他們最喜歡的歌,那就是<Bumbag>了,另外還有<What’s Your Problem?>和<Little Red Door>。他們的專輯《You Can Do Anything》也是我目前最喜歡的一張專輯之一。
Joe喜歡Green Day的原因:
我覺得很難不把Green Day的上一張專輯視為最喜歡的一張,因為《American Idiot》(台譯:美國大白痴)真的太令人印象深刻了!而新專輯《21st Century Breakdown》(台譯:世紀大崩解)依舊啟承前面的的風格,也沒有那麼多政治的不滿批判;我的意思是,還是有一些的風格,但是並沒有如同上一張那麼的強烈。像是<Know Your Enemy>(台譯:頭號天敵)這首歌,大概就像你無法忍受一個在7-11裡的人。身為作曲家,我們不會把太多的政治元素放進歌裡,但是有些團體卻以此呈現的非常驚人,Green Day就是其中一個團體。Kevin:「而且他們也不忘那些小孩子也將會聽到這些創作」;Nick:「我們八歲最小的弟弟Frankie很喜歡Green Day,他認為他們非常的棒。而他們也的確是這個世代的搖滾團體代表。」
- Jul 08 Wed 2009 23:09