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◆New crew for 'Camp Rock 2'
Cast returns to different director and writer By Paul Bond
July 7, 2009, 11:00 PM ET

資料來源/Source:〔Hollywood Reporter〕

原文/Original Article:

Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato are headed back to Camp Rock, but the sequel to last year's top-rated cable telecast will feature a new director and writer, not to mention a plot that borrows from Shakespeare.

"Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam" will begin production this summer and debut next year on Disney Channel.

The story has the characters played by Lovato and Kevin, Nick and Joe Jonas returning to their beloved Camp Rock, only to discover that some of the students and instructors have ditched it for nearby rival Camp Star.

Other major players returning for the sequel include Meaghan Jette Martin, Maria Canals-Barrera and Alyson Stoner. Daniel Fathers is back as Camp Rock's head honcho.

Joining the cast for "Final Jam" are popular hip-hop artist Matthew "Mdot" Finley and Chloe Bridges, an accomplished 17-year-old classical pianist. Mdot plays the reigning hot-shot singer across the lake at Camp Star who challenges Camp Rock to a musical showdown.

The "Romeo and Juliet" moment comes when Camp Rock's Nate (Nick Jonas) falls for Dana (Bridges), the daughter of Camp Star's owner.

Taking over helming duties from the first installment's Matthew Diamond is Paul Hoen, who directed the 2007 Disney Channel movie "Jump In!" The sequel's script was written by Dan Berendsen ("Hannah Montana The Movie") with Karin Gist and Regina Hicks, the duo who wrote "Jump In!" with Doreen Spicer. Gist and Hicks also wrote the first "Camp Rock" with Julie Brown and Paul Brown.

The original "Camp Rock" attracted an audience of 146 million in 160 nations and 30 languages, a huge hit by nearly any standard -- except, maybe, compared with Disney Channel's "High School Musical," seen by 225 million worldwide.

The "Camp Rock" soundtrack has gone platinum in the U.S. and eight other territories and gold in another dozen.


◆Camp Rock v.s. Camp Star

Jonas Brothers和Demi Lovato即將重返搖滾夏令營,但是跟去年收視率第一的第一集不同的是,續集將會有不同的導演以及作者來寫劇本。

「Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam」將會在今年夏天開始拍攝,於明年迪士尼頻道首播。

由Demi Lovato、Kevin、Nick和Joe Jonas一起回到他們喜歡的搖滾夏令營,卻發現有些學生和老師都分分離開,到敵對的夏令營營隊Camp Star。

其他回到續集參演的主要演員包括Meaghan Jette Martin、Maria Canals-Barrera和Alyson Stoner;Daniel Fathers則是回到搖滾夏令營的營主任的職務。

這次參加Final Jam的成員包括流行嘻哈歌手Matthew "Mdot" Finley和17歲的古典鋼琴才女Chloe Bridges。Mdot將以在Camp Star的最佳歌手頭銜,在Camp Rock(搖滾夏令營)中爭冠。 

而這集的經典戀人畫面是Nate(Nick Jonas飾演)愛上Camp Star創辦者的女兒Dana(Bridges飾演)。

接管Matthew Diamond續集拍攝這導演職責的為Paul Hoen,他是07年迪士尼原創電影「Jump In!」的導演;續集的劇本則由Dan Berendsen(Hannah Montana The Movie孟漢娜電影版作者)以及Karin Gist和Regina Hicks,兩位曾與Doreen Spicer一起決定Jump In!劇本,同時也與Julie Brown和Paul Brown一起寫搖滾夏令營第一集的劇本。

原創電影Camp Rock搖滾夏令營創下於160個國家中1億4千6百萬人數的觀看,以30種語言播放的佳績,超過最近的任何一向水平,可以媲美歌舞青春的2億2千5百萬人數觀賞紀錄。

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