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◆Nick Jonas Bought Joe’s Christmas Present Already!
Mon, 07 December 2009 at 7:10 pm

資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕

原文/Original Article:

Nick Jonas snaps a pic backstage with JJJ after an exclusive interview in NYC on Monday afternoon (December 7).

The 17-year-old musician let us listen to two new tracks off of Nick Jonas & The Administration’s new album, Who I Am. Nick played “Last Time Around,” which is a a Stevie Wonder influenced song with the following sample lyrics: “Don’t forget the fun we had last summer.” He also played “Conspiracy Theory,” a Lenny Kravitz inspired song with the sample lyrics, “The walls are thin and the word is out now.”

Nick also told us about his upcoming Christmas plans. Nick shared, “I think we’ll probably go back to Texas and just be home for the holidays. I got [big brother] Joe a Christmas gift today, actually, so that was the first Christmas gift I’ve purchased. I’ve got to figure out a moment when I can get everybody else something, but it’ll all work out in the end.”

When asked if he could share what he bought Joe, Nick told JJJ, “Joe reads your website! So, I can’t really say because he might find out! But I can tell you it’s something to go along with something he already has.”

WHAT DO YOU THINK Nick got Joe for Christmas?



十二月七日,星期一,Nick Jonas在紐約與JJJ進行獨家訪問後,於後台拍了一張照片。

十七歲的他,讓我們(JJJ)聽了Nick Jonas & The Administration專輯《Who I Am》中的兩首新歌,<Last Time Around>,這首歌是Stevie Wonder啟發了他,其中一句歌詞如下:「Don’t forget the fun we had last summer(別忘了我們在去年夏天的愉悅)。」他也另外播了<Conspiracy Theory>,這首歌則是Lenny Kravitz給他的靈感,歌詞:「The walls are thin and the word is out now(防衛的牆變得薄弱,要說的話也呼之欲出)」




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