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◆Nick Jonas: I Want To See The Aliens!
Thu, 10 December 2009 at 5:20 pm
資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕
原文/Original Article:
Nick Jonas gives a thumbs up to JJJ backstage just before our interview with him in NYC on Monday afternoon (December 7).
The 17-year-old musician joked with us about why exactly he wants to walk in the President’s shoes one day. Nick shared, “I wanna see if there’s aliens! I mean, secretly, that’s the only reason I want to run for president. I just wanna read the book of secrets and that’s pretty much it. But in all seriousness, I just think walking in his shoes for the day would be an interesting experience and the president a lot of responsibility - a lot on his shoulders. So we’ll see if it actually happens, but it’s kind of a fun little dream right now.”
Nick also shared with JJJ about how he was sure this was the right time to come out with The Administration’s album, saying, “I wasn’t sure at first. It took a lot of ideas, a lot of planning. When we started recording I knew it was time because we had this two-week window. I knew we could get it done in that amount of time, and that in that moment it was something that I was passionate (about), it was in my heart. And that if I waited any more amount of time there probably wouldn’t be another opportunity for me to do it. And so after we recorded it we said, ‘Great, we have this record. Now what do we do with it?’”
Nick同時也告訴JJJ,他為什麼會在這個適當的階段推出他的The Administration專輯,他說:「一開始,我不是這麼的確定,因為需要許多靈感以及周延的計畫。而當我們開始錄製專輯的時候,我卻知道就是現在了,因為我們已經準備許久了,我知道我們能夠在有剩的時間內完成它。那個時候,在我的心底,它是唯一能讓我感到熱血的事。若是我需要更多時間的話,那麼就只能等到下一個機會才能發行了。因此,當我們錄製完後,我們說:『太好了,我們已經錄製了一張專輯,那接下來該怎麼做呢?』」
- Dec 12 Sat 2009 15:20