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◆Nick Jonas: I’m Fascinated With Politics
Wed, 09 December 2009 at 8:25 pm
資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕
原文/Original Article:
Nick Jonas maybe not be running for President next year (he’s not old enough), but he still has dreams of waking up in The White House one day.
The 17-year-old musician caught up with MTV to chat about his college plans, The Administration and his funny nickname, Mr. President. Check it:
On furthering his education: “We’ll have to wait and see. The first step to the whole process is going to college and getting that in there. I visited a couple colleges this past summer. It was interesting to see how it would all work out and what the timing would be, but that might be in the future some day.”
On his nickname, Mr. President: “Not so much [fascinated] with politics, but more just about the fascination with the president. The opportunities that we’ve had to go to the White House, the times that I’ve joked about wanting to be president and all that, I’m taking [it] somewhat serious.”
On The Administration’s new songs: “Obviously, I have a lot of time to think about that, but it was something cool to do with this. And it gave me some inspiration, and having a list of a hundred of these things that I could take and make them double meanings…only four of them stuck. ‘Oval Office’ is a song that didn’t sound that cool.”
Nick Jonas還不會開始競選明年的總統(尚未成年),然而他依然夢想自己有一天起床時,發現是在白宮。
十七歲的他與MTV訪問時談論單關於大學的計畫、他的獨立政府(The Administration)以及有趣的綽號「Mr. President(總統先生)」,讓我們一起來看看:
◆關於他的綽號─ Mr. President
◆關於The Administration的新歌
明顯地,我花了一段時間來思考創作,在創作的過程當中也很順利,它們給了我許多靈感,也同時許多擁有雙重意義;除了其中的四首有些靈感卡住,而不怎麼好,<Oval Office>就是其中一首不怎麼玩美的例子。
- Dec 12 Sat 2009 15:16