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◆Video: Nick Jonas Talks About 'Who I Am' Music Video
Wed, 09 December 2009 23:15:49 ET


原文/Original Article:

Nick Jonas is currently filming the music video for "Who I Am", the song he recorded with his new side project Nick Jonas and The Administration. The 17-year-old recently sat down with Tim Kash from MTV News to inform what the video is going to be alike. 

Talking about the track itself, Nick revealed, " 'Who I Am' is really about me talking about myself and realizing you need to know yourself before you can find love." The ex-boyfriend of Miley Cyrus then went on to share about how he started his career sans Jonas Brothers. "It was definitely different." 

"I think - starting to write the record I realized stylistically these songs were different than the Jonas Brothers sound," he further recalled the first time he wrote some songs without his famous brothers, Kevin Jonas and Joe Jonas. "And I met with our producer, John Fields, and I said, 'Look I got all these songs that I'm writing and I think it would be cool to go and make a side project.' " 

Nick Jonas and The Administration is scheduled to drop their debut album, "Who I Am", in U.S. stores on January 2, 2010. Nick described the album as "a real, raw rock record." He explained, "It's kind of hard to believe it's all happening now." 

Nick Jonas Talks About Nick Jonas and The Administration's Single "Who I Am": 


◆Nick談論Who I Am單曲

Nick Jonas近期正在拍攝<Who I Am>的音樂錄影帶,這首歌將收錄在他的獨立計畫Nick Jonas and The Administration。十七歲的他在接收來自MTV News的Tim Kash訪問時,告訴了我們一些關於MV的呈現消息。

講到這首歌本身,Nick說道:「『Who I Am』這首歌是關於我自己,講的是自己本身在找尋真愛之前,必須先意識且徹底了解自己。」身為Miley Cyrus的前男友,繼續告訴我們以非強納斯兄弟的身分出輯的感想,他說:「感覺完全不一樣。」

「我認為,在開始寫這張專輯的時候,我發現這些歌詞上的創作與強納斯兄弟的感覺事不同的。」他進一步的回憶,在第一次沒有與哥哥Kevin&Joe Jonas一起寫歌的情況下。「之後我去見了我們的製作人,John Fields,然後我說:『我寫了一些歌,而我想獨立發行這張專輯,那一定很酷!』」

Nick Jonas and The Administration預計在美國時間2010年2月2號發行他們的首張專輯《Who I Am》。Nick將這張專輯形容為「真實且為多加修飾的一張專輯」,他還說:「現在還很難相信專輯就已經這樣錄製好了。」


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