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◆Nick Jonas: Five Little Things about Who I Am
Mon, 14 December 2009 at 5:30 pm
資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕
原文/Original Article:
Nick Jonas holds up five fingers as he shared five things you might have not known about him and his band The Administration in this new vid from MTV.
The 17-year-old musician revealed five “secret” things about his upcoming album, Who I Am. Check it:
– Nick and The Administration recorded who i am in blackbird studios in Nashville, Tenn. John McBride, who is married to country sensation Martina McBride, owns it.
– Drummer Michael Bland, also played drums on some of the tracks off of the Jonas Brothers last studio album.
– Nick’s grandfather accompanied him on the trip to Nashville and they rented a house on a ranch.
– Nick recorded a track called “Stronger” with band Leland.
– Nick loved that the Kings Of Leon also recorded their album at blackbird studios
Bonus tidbit: Nick’s basketball trick was from when he was recording Who I Am!
◆五件你不能不知道關於Who I Am的事
Nick Jonas接受MTV採訪時,伸出了五隻手指告訴了大家可能不知道關於The Administration他新團體的五件事。
讓我們一起來看看,他說了哪些關於這張專輯《Who I Am》的事吧!
-Nick與The Administration在John McBride(鄉村傳奇歌手Martina McBride的丈夫)那什維爾的blackbird錄音室一起完成這張專輯。
-鼓手Michael Bland曾一起錄製Jonas Brothers上一張專輯的幾首歌。
-Nick所喜歡的Kings Of Leon(里昂王族樂團)也是在blackbird錄音室錄製專輯的。
額外趣事:Nick的籃球特技就是在錄製《Who I Am》時練成的,影片點此。
- Dec 16 Wed 2009 14:05
◆五件你不能不知道關於Who I Am的事