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◆Radio Disney Jams, Volume 11!

資料來源:〔Just Jared JR.〕


Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, and The Jonas Brothers lend their voices to the newest edition of the popular CD series: Radio Disney Jams, Volume 11.

The two-disc EP is jam-packed with loads of features and amazing songs. On disc one, you’ll get all your favorite music tracks of the year, including “Leavin’” from Jesse McCartney and “Get Back” from Demi Lovato. Disc two features actual vids! You’ll get to see Jordan Pruitt perform at the Disney Channel games and even get an exclusive look inside the making of Hannah Montana star Mitchel Musso’s album!

The CD hits shelves on January 27, 2009 so pre-order your own copy @ Amazon!

Full track listing below the cut… 


  Miley Cyrus、Vanessa Hudgens和Jonas Brothers的歌聲即將在最新的迪士尼特輯出現:「Radio Disney Jams, Volume 11」。

  此次將分為2CD。在第一張CD裡,你會聽到今年大家最喜歡的歌曲之一,包刮Jesse McCartney的Livin’和Demi Lovato的Get Back;第二張CD則是收錄了影片,你將會看到Jordan Pruitt在全明星賽裡的表演熱唱,還有獨家透視Mitchel Musso正在錄製的專輯。



Disc: 1
1. “Burnin’ Up” - Jonas Brothers
2. “Fly on the Wall” - Miley Cyrus
3. “Crush” - David Archuleta
4. “Teardrops on My Guitar” - Taylor Swift
5. “The In Crowd” - Mitchel Musso
6. “Get Back” - Demi Lovato
7. “Scream” - Troy (Performed by Zac Efron)
8. “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know” - Selena Gomez
9. “Leavin’” (Radio Disney Version) - Jesse McCartney
10. “Goodbyes” - Savannah Outen
11. “Amazed” - Vanessa Hudgens
12. “Future Love” - Varsity Fan Club
13. “One Love” - Jordan Pruitt
14. “Check Yes, Juliet” - We the Kings
15. “Distracted” - KSM 

Disc: 2

1. “Right Here, Right Now” - Troy and Gabriella (Performed by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens)
2. “Future Love” - Varsity Fan Club
3. “Burnin’ Up” - Jonas Brothers
4. “Fly on the Wall” - Live Performance by Miley Cyrus at the Disney Channel Games
5. “One Love” - Live Performance by Jordan Pruitt at the Disney Channel Games
6. Mitchel Musso’s Making of the Album
7. KSM’s Meet the Band 

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