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◆Stevie Wonder Realizes Lifelong Dream of Performing With the Jonas Brothers Again (VIDEO)
by Betsy Waldman on Dec. 14, 2009 12:41 PM
原文/Original Article:
Over the weekend, music legend Stevie Wonder saw his long-held dream of performing with The Jonas Brothers again finally come true.
Even though Wonder has met presidents and countless showbiz legends over the course of his long and storied career, since he first set out to record music, we hear Stevie's longed to share a stage with Nick, Joe, and Kevin for a second time following their performance at the Grammys. Thanks to the House Full of Toys event in Los Angeles this past Saturday night, he was finally granted this honor.
Check out the videos below to see Stevie and the boys perform "SOS," "Burnin’ Up" and Wonder's classic, "Superstition."
◆影片:JB與Stevie Wonder再次登台演出
這個禮拜,樂壇傳奇Stevie Wonder期望與Jonas Brothers再次同台演出的夢想,終於成真。
儘管在Stevie這麼長的演唱生崖裡,曾見過幾位總統及無數位娛樂屆的傳奇歌手。然而自從葛萊美獎的演出後,我們卻發現Stevie渴望再次與Nick、Joe與Kevin一起登台。藉由在上個禮拜六晚上,於洛杉磯舉行的House Full of Toys活動,他再次獲得了此次榮耀。
- S.O.S.
- Burnin’Up
- Superstition