※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
◆Nick Jonas And Selena Gomez Insist They’re Both Single
Published by MTV News on Monday, October 27, 2008 at 4:55 pm.
資料來源:〔MTV News〕
By Jocelyn Vena
Did you hear? Nick Jonas is single! That’s right, teen girls everywhere — SINGLE!
We’re sure you’re asking yourself: What about that adorable Selena Gomez girl he was supposedly dating? Well, when E! News asked Nick over the weekend about his current relationship status, his response was simply: “Single.” In fact, for those who keep track of this sort of stuff like we do here at MTV News, it seems that all the guys are looking for love.
Joe has told reporters that he’s single, which was expected given the fact that he recently broke up with Taylor Swift. And although eldest brother Kevin’s answer was a bit more complicated (and it led us to wonder about the girl he was recently seen kissing around town), the sentiment was the same: “Always dating, but in the end, single, yeah.”
In many ways, the reported breakup of 16-year-old Nick and 15-year-old Selena isn’t that surprising, considering all the single talk that Selena has been doing on her own as of late. As early as two weeks ago, the writing was on the wall when Selena was talking about her crush, Shia LaBeouf, and passed along the message: “Let Shia know I’m available!”
Then last week, she told Us Weekly, “Anyone would be really lucky to be dating Nick. And anyone would be lucky to be dating any of them.” She added: “I’m not that lucky. I’m not dating [Nick].”
你們聽見了嗎?Nick Jonas現在是單身狀態!!沒錯,各地的青少女們,單˙身。
我們可以確定你們一定會問:「那關於他與Selena Gomez的緋聞怎麼解釋呢?」當日前『E!新聞』訪問Nick關於他最近狀態的時候,他簡短的回答:「單身。」事實上,對於一直追著他們跑的新聞網,像是我們MTV News,可以很明確地告訴大家,他們都還在尋找他們的女孩。
像Joe則是告訴大家他現在是單身狀態,這讓大家覺得他似乎已經與Taylor Swift分手(或是他們從來沒有在一起過);至於年紀最大的Kevin則較複雜點(也讓我們大家懷疑最近與他一起接吻的女生是誰),然而情況卻是一樣,「只是約會,依然是單身狀態」。
(※註:日前由Just Jared發表過,欲了解點此,他們曾是鄰居關係,現在則是情侶關係。)
據報導,16歲的Nick與15歲的Selena的緋聞會傳出分開並不是那麼的令人驚訝,大概兩個禮拜前,Selena在談論他喜歡的明星,變形金鋼男主角Shia LaBeouf的時候,留下了訊息:「應該是要讓Shia知道我是他可以搭訕的對象。」
然而,上個禮拜,他告訴Us Weekly:「任何能與Nick約會的女生都很幸運。」他又補充一句:「但我還不夠幸運,我完全沒有與他約過會。」