※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
◆All Four Jonas Brothers Are Headed to the Big Screen
By Caris Davis
Originally posted Tuesday October 28, 2008 07:25 AM EDT
Brace yourselves, Disney fans. The Jonas Brothers are about to get bigger than ever!
The teen pop stars have signed on to make their big screen debut in Walter The Farting Dog, the trade journal Variety reports.
The boys will appear alongside their younger brother Frankie – sometimes known as the "Bonus Jonas" – in the film, which is scheduled to start shooting in Spring 2009.
Based on a bestselling series of books by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray, the movie casts the teen heartthrobs as musicians whose sickly great-aunt asks them to care for her stupendously smelly canine companion.
"By the time they've driven the dog home, everybody's head is out the window of the family station wagon," said Peter Farrelly – half of the famous Farrelly Brothers directing team – who has been closely involved in developing the film. "But Frankie has a serious sinus problem and doesn't notice the stench coming from Walter."
So while his siblings provide the music, Frankie and the gaseous pooch get involved in a series of family-friendly adventures, eventually thwarting a team of jewel thieves.
This may be their first major movie, but Nick, Joe and Kevin are certainly no strangers to the camera. Their TV flick Camp Rock was a mega-hit, and they're now preparing for their own Disney series, J*O*N*A*S.
準備好了嗎?Jonas Brothers即將以前所未有的方式與大家見面,透過電影!
據Variety報導,流行青少年團體Jonas Brothers最近與電影公司簽約,即將在Walter The Farting Dog演出。
不一樣的是,這次的演出還包括了他們最小的弟弟,Frankie,就是大家熟知的「Bonus Jonas」,預計在明年的春天正式開拍。
根據由William Kotzwinkle和Glenn Murray所做的做暢銷的一系列書集,三位少年的生病姑姑要求他們照顧一直以來陪伴他的狗,然而這隻狗卻擁有讓人討厭的臭味。
Peter Farrelly說:「當他們開車抵達的時候,每個人都將頭伸出了車窗,看看臭味的來源是來自哪裡,然而因為Frankie有嚴重的靜脈竇,因此沒有注意到外頭的味道。」
這是他們兄弟們的第一部電影,但是對於Nick,、Joe和Kevin來說,他們對於拍攝電影這經驗一點也不陌生,他們的迪士尼原創電影Camp Rock已經在各地造成轟動,現在他們正拍攝他們自己的迪士尼影集,「J.O.N.A.S.」。